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Showing posts from September, 2020

A girl’s identity is more than considering her as a sex object!

My dear Indian society, I hate to break it to you, but you are not doing enough to protect my dignity and existence. I am a girl who fears stepping out of the house because of your failure of respecting and protecting me. Your blatant ignorance is not only putting my existence at risk but is also making this society more and more treacherous day by day. Men's Machismo is destroying countless girls' lives now and then. And you couldn't care any less! On September 25, 2020, a Muslim was raped by the leader of the TRS party in Hyderabad. The girl used to work as a housemaid at the residence of the culprit whose name is 'Madhu Yadav'. The man used to sexually harass the girl and force her into sexual intercourse. Eventually, the girl decided to end up her life by suicide in the bedroom of Madhu Yadav.  My question to you is - 'why is there a minimum News channel coverage on the matter?’ Why do people always turn a blind eye to such heinous incidents? Is it because ...


We all sin, we all sin a lot. We sin, and then we repent to our lord. Our penitence towards the Lord increases ten folds as soon as we realize our mistakes. But have you ever thought why we are not able to forgive others for their faults and mistakes? Why is it so difficult to forgive others when we ourselves want to get forgiven by God?  Have you ever thought what if our God doesn't forgive us on the day of judgment saying “you didn’t forgive your mother, your father, your siblings, your relatives and your friends for their mistakes and that is why I am also not going to forgive you.” What if this happens?  Forgiveness is not easy, but it's not difficult either. There are times when we all think that “I would never be able to forgive this and that person for whatever he/she did to us.”  Forgiving and forgetting are two different things, forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to forget the mistakes of others. Forgiveness is for ourselves, it is to p...

An Ode to your perseverance

Here you are, denying the fact that you made it so far. I know this was tiring, challenging and indeed forced you feel to forsake. I understand how heartbreaking it is to think about giving up. I understand the mishaps you came across and how fate hid behind the clouds of uncertainty. Nonetheless, don't you see the clouds indicating the upcoming rain? Don't you want to feel what you really wanted to feel? The wishes you really wished for?  To witness the presence of peace after patiently enduring the unshared trials? Don't you want to experience your wishes turning into realities? Don't you worry! Your life is planned by the best planner of planners. He has no flaw in his perfection. His plans has perfect timings. Perhaps, this isn't the perfect time as per Allah - The Almighty to reward you with his bounties. لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا: “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear” Mind you! He is aware of each and every suf...

It's time to put an end to #RapeCulture!

HERE'S HOW you, me and all of us can make a difference. Let Your Sons Cry Do no raise your son to believe manliness means violence, exerting physical strength, taking revenge for rejection or not shedding a tear when hurting. Tell Your Story I cannot emphasize enough on the power of storytelling. Please speak up. Tell your story so others can do the same.  Rally Your Community We are educated and now know to speak up but many in our community still keep quiet, still hide these issues and even blame the victims. Mobilize them, educate them and rally them to support you when you raise your voice against rape. Do Not ever Joke About Rape Do you see your friends talking about it? Laughing about it even hinting at rape jokes? Never stand for that or tolerate it. Educate them.  Talk to your children about sexual assault from a young age. Do Not Blame The Victim Under no circumstances should you ever blame the victim. No clothing, no words or text is ever an invitation f...