HERE'S HOW you, me and all of us can make a difference.
Let Your Sons Cry
Do no raise your son to believe manliness means violence, exerting physical strength, taking revenge for rejection or not shedding a tear when hurting.
Tell Your Story
I cannot emphasize enough on the power of storytelling. Please speak up. Tell your story so others can do the same.
Rally Your Community
We are educated and now know to speak up but many in our community still keep quiet, still hide these issues and even blame the victims. Mobilize them, educate them and rally them to support you when you raise your voice against rape.
Do Not ever Joke About Rape
Do you see your friends talking about it? Laughing about it even hinting at rape jokes? Never stand for that or tolerate it. Educate them.
Talk to your children about sexual assault from a young age.
Do Not Blame The Victim
Under no circumstances should you ever blame the victim. No clothing, no words or text is ever an invitation for rape. Remember, rape is violence. NO ONE INVITES VIOLENCE.
Use Social Media
Film/take photos of anyone who harasses you, anyone who stares, anyone who catcalls and post them on social media. Let their families, communities see who these people are.
Develop Zero Tolerance
DO.NOT.EVER hide a sexual assault. Your being quiet might endanger several other girls and women.
Men lower your gaze
Its important to all the men to lower there gaze when women arrives near by you, have a good intentions.
No means No
If the women says no then leave them alone coz you have no right to force her with your argument or words.
Rejection is not personal
Learn it yourself and teach it to your sons. Rejection is not a personal attack on you. Real men don't turn into vile animals set on revenge when rejected. They learn to accept it and move on.
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