Here you are, denying the fact that you made it so far.
I know this was tiring, challenging and indeed forced you feel to forsake.
I understand how heartbreaking it is to think about giving up.
I understand the mishaps you came across and how fate hid behind the clouds of uncertainty.
Nonetheless, don't you see the clouds indicating the upcoming rain?
Don't you want to feel what you really wanted to feel?
The wishes you really wished for?
To witness the presence of peace after patiently enduring the unshared trials?
Don't you want to experience your wishes turning into realities?
Don't you worry!
Your life is planned by the best planner of planners. He has no flaw in his perfection. His plans has perfect timings.
Perhaps, this isn't the perfect time as per Allah - The Almighty to reward you with his bounties.
لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا:
“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear”
Mind you! He is aware of each and every suffering you're going through.
This melancholy is only temporary.
For, this is not your final destination.
For, you are a nomad in this ephemeral duration.
Duration you call as 'life'
Duration you get involved in.
So for now embrace your perseverance and your patience.
You have come a long way and you cannot end by naming it as "unaccomplishable."
I pray you restore your heart's peace.
I pray you feel better.
I pray you feel accomplished.
I pray you embrace your perseverance.
I pray!
Article is Composed by @skinfinite
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