According to CNBC Huawei company had no choice to handover the data to Chinese government if Beijing asked for it.
Because of Espionage and National Security laws in the county.
Most of the countries like United States, Japan and Australia have blocked the Chinese Telecommunications equipment providing hardware for next generation mobile network Huawei as 5g.
The U.S has said Huawei equipment could provide backdoors for the Chinese Government into American networks.
Huawei statements on this issue was "Huawei will not handover the data"
Said Huawei spokesperson
The armed forces strongly denied any connection with Huawei company.
But A Professor who studied Natural Language Processing Wong Kam Fai of Hong Kong University said that it is the common that University in china and companies would Collaborate with the Government or Military.
On December 8,2020
News came out that Huawei company has tested Facial recognition Software that could send automated "Uyghur Alarm" to Government authorities where its Camera system Identifies members of the oppressed minority group.
Maya Wang, a china senior researcher at the advocacy group human rights watch, said the country has increasingly used AI assisted Surveillance to monitor the general public and oppress minorities protest and other deemed threats to the state.
Huawei is most prominent tech company in china and officials has casted it as leaders of the nation drive to reach the cutting edge of AI development.
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