When we fall, we remember ALLAH, when we pick ourselves from the ground, we remember ALLAH. Nothing in this world could give us the peace that we get from his remembrance. And when I say remembrance it is not just a casual remembrance, it is the act of calming our hearts, our minds, and our souls. Maybe remembrance is a just small word, very small. Maybe calming is also a small word to define the entire process.
“When the believers noticed how this worldly life controls the people who are lost in it and how the evil captures the souls, they turned to the to their Lord’s remembrance. Just as the hunted deer runs for his life.” SubhanAllah!
Have you ever thought what else we would have done if our faith was not there in our hearts? Sounds like a nightmare, isn't it? For a believer, faith is the foremost thing. People whose hearts are not insightful will never be able to recognize this, never. Let us all never forget this ever:
“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of ALLAH. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of ALLAH hearts are assured” - Al Quran 13:28
Article is Composed by Sana Munauwar.
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Very well explained