1) Expressive guestures Give more friendly guestures like Eyebrow flash, Head tilt,Smile 2)Tone and speed Tone and speed of voice, are that much more important. Because bcz it tell your interest in conversation. 3) Mirroring Adopt the same gestures, posture or tone of others Mirroring help you to engage more deeply in a conversation and understanding others. 4) Forming barriers Forming barriers is single someone is uncomfortable with conversation E.g of barriers- Blocking Their Body,Unsteady Eye Contact 5)Hair flipping/touching Touching and flipping hair is a sign that they're interested in conversation. 6)Eye moments Rolling eyes are a sign of disbelief. People who don’t trust what you are saying tend to use this expression. It could also mean frustration. Frequently eye blinking is a sign of felling anxious, uneasy
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